What do i do when im bored to death ?

Its not a rare occasion....me getting bored...:)
Almost every 2-3 minutes I am bored....

When im bored....

1. I irritate other people by asking lots of unnecessary, redundant questions...(most
of the questions make no sense at all...)

2. Talk nonsense to anyone who falls prey at that very moment...

3. Get into a philosophical mood...

4. Go to sleep....(this is when im both depressed and bored)

5. Call up old friends and usually plan to meet or movie etc etc...

6. Watch TV....(nethin except daily soaps...they're more than boring..)

7. Get into the kitchen and experiment...(one of such an experiment is - i once added garlic to tea....yukkkk.....)

Additions to this list are welcome...


Praj ~ said…
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Praj ~ said…
where's tekdi, vaishali, ccd ?
or Internet !!

You forget the best one's...
Jitesh Shah said…
"...by asking lots of..."

lots of?? ... welll.. NO!
just one question many times...

Unknown said…
kk...thts nt the nly things u do whn u get bored...
thr r many more stupid things u do...hehe ... :)
edson_dias said…
I paint when I'm bored.

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