Unlucky by chance...

How difficult can it get...

The radiator fan of the vehicle doesnt shut down with the engine. We connect and disconnect the fan...
Everyone is a little hard on cash after shopping their heart out...
The 'mama' at the corner takes what little we save to eat something...coz we havent worn seatbelts and are on the wrong side of a one-way...
Cannot find a specific ATM we're looking for, so that we can hog..
Luckily one of us finds an ATM, but there isnt enough cash in the account...
Want to go a specific place, coz everyone wants to have a roll, the place says...there is another half an hour to open...
Manage to have something else and move on..
After we avoid entering many no-entries we finally reach some place, park the vehicle...and icing on the cake..leave the car keys inside...!!
As one of us rightly said...people please dont trouble us..we are troubled enough...!


heheheh. zar, it seems, u were EXTREMELY unlucky.....

and yeah. witty name for post...i liked it.
Mohsin said…
hmm by chance hai to thik hai..
yaha to 'unlucky by default' hai ;-)
Unknown said…
thnx..this seems like genuine appreciation..:)

everything depends on ur luck..its all fate...:)
Pappul said…
im quizzed to know how come the engine didn't heat up and blow up the car ... ;)
Unknown said…
sigh...tat was d nly thing left i guess...!

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