Signs of ageing

It starts with....stopping anywhere..even while its working..running...
Then you know, its time...this one was a huge sign..but it isn't dead yet...
Smaller signs what happened today.

I was standing peacefully at a signal, and someone starts blowing the horn. I'm wondering why someone is so impatient..coz the signal was just turning green. A policeman was glaring at me...and I'm telling myself..its not me..its someone behind me..look at him..give him the stares....but then he finally yells at me "ka vajav taye horn?" and I tell him "mi vajvat naiye baba". But he insists so I listen to the horn more carefully through the loud blaring music in my ears and voila...its my vehicle...yaay...
If your vehicle's horn stops can live with it right. But if it keeps blaring..and does not want to stop...yea felt as if I was riding in an ambulance..only difference being people don't make way for you, they keep shouting names...
So yea..finally...the best I could do..was try and fix what went wrong by pulling the horn here there (as if it was elastic :P) and reduced a little..and then..stopped..I was wondering whether it has stopped working at all. But all is well :)


Mohsin said…
ur bike doesn't show signs of ageing.. not a bit.. what it shows are a few last signs of life :p
True.. Agreed with Mohsin here... :P

Zar, come on , get ur dream bike.. :P not kinetic again.. :P

About post, Oh, it is well-written.. I liked the way u wrote the whole incidence.. :) .. Surely, u r showing signs of improvements not ur bike though.. :P

This reminds me of incidence happened with me abt my vehicle's horn which stopped working in a middle of my blissful journey.. :P
Unknown said…
tats mean..its a gem of an engine..remember :)

u cannot agree with Mohsin...u r in my team :D
yes..yes...I am getting a new bike..sometime soon..stay tuned :)
Readable me :) said…
lol!!! :D I can imagine you its not you ..and the sound waves coming out of the scarf and after hitting the helmet :D He would not hear one bit ...
Lovely post. And yes I agree with Mohsin & Amz You need a new bike gal...
Unknown said…
@Ash... was tat I think abt then it was damn embarrassing :)
yea..yea..yea..I am taking a new bike..dnt worry gals :)
bt plz..plz plz..atleast take my side :)

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